About The Academy

Jessops Academy is a customer training school built into the heart of Jessops. We offer a range of photography training around the UK and a variety of experiences and workshops to enable you to grow your photography skills and knowledge.

Jessops Academy aims to help you get the most out of your camera and offer you a range of photographic opportunities through our selection of Courses, Workshops, Experiences and Events. The Jessops Academy team is made up of a group of core trainers and supporting trainers around the country - all of whom began their Jessops journey on our shop floors! With a range of venues and courses there's a lot to choose from but we always make sure we give you the right trainer, venue and support for the type of photography you wish to develop.

So why should you come to an Academy?
✔ Our trainers are all trained to a very high standard and attend regular development days to ensure you get a quality service.
✔ With venues readily accessible throughout the UK we offer a range of courses, workshops and experiences.
✔ Our trainers are all from the Jessops shop floor. This means they're familiar with all the modern cameras, accessories and products as they work with them all the time.

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