
What is a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

A penumbral lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth and Moon are almost in perfect alignment at the same time as a full moon. This imperfect alignment means that when these conditions are met, the Earth will block a portion of the sun’s light and will cast its shadow onto part of the moon when observed from the dark side of the Earth. The rest of the moon receives the same amount of sunlight as usual and is as bright as a standard full moon.

How does this differ from a Lunar eclipse and what can I see?

During a penumbral lunar eclipse, the moon is situated within the Earth’s Penumbra, where only a portion of the Suns light is obscured. The difference in perceivable brightness is less apparent than a lunar eclipse.

A Lunar eclipse occurs when there is perfect alignment, and the moon falls into the Earth’s umbra (total shadow). This type of eclipse is very clear to see given that the moon is in full shadow and this level of difference will not be observable from a penumbral lunar eclipse.

During the penumbral eclipse on the 10th February 2017 beginning at 22.34 (London), a shadow will move across the moon’s face and will be observable from the United Kingdom. The maximum level of eclipse will occur at 00.43 (London). The shadow will not be as noticeable as a lunar eclipse, however with clear observing conditions, a telescope and moon filter, this astronomical event is worth experiencing as the next one is not due until 2020.

How to watch a lunar eclipse

Lunar eclipses are among the easiest skywatching events to observe. Simply go out, look up and enjoy. You don’t need specific equipment. However, binoculars or a small telescope will bring out details in the lunar surface.

Remember to never look directly at the sun with the naked eye or through any optical equipment as irreversible damage to your eyesight may occur. A Moon filter is not suitable for observing the Sun.

An eclipse can take a couple hours to unfold. Bring warm drinks, blankets or chairs for comfort and enjoy!

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